How This Dynamic Duo Is Disrupting The Motion Design Industry

Motion design refers to the practice of incorporating movement into digital designs. It uses motion to guide a user’s attention, convey meaning, and evoke emotions to make information more memorable.

Success or failure in the information age is largely determined by one thing: attention. Attention means engagement, and engagement leads to conversion. Brands that are able to capture their audience’s attention stand out from their competition, making them more successful in the market. There are many different ways to go about capturing this attention. But, over the past few years, motion design has emerged as one of the most powerful tools businesses have at their disposal.

Motion design refers to the practice of incorporating movement into digital designs. It uses motion to guide a user’s attention, convey meaning, and evoke emotions to make information more memorable. As a result, it is used almost everywhere, from apps and websites to ads and even video games.

But just because it’s successful doesn’t mean it’s perfect. There is always room for it to be improved. This is the argument made by K Minglani and Nattu Adnan, the founders of the motion design platform LottieFiles.

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