Strategize, Execute, and Flourish with Crypto PR.

Navigate the complexities of web3 with our targeted PR strategies. From trust-building to crisis management, our PR services were made to meet all of your crypto PR needs. If we don’t coverage, You don’t pay!

Our Crypto PR Services

You’re here because you recognize the potential in the crypto space. Yet, carving out a niche here is no small feat. Let’s cut through the noise — no buzzwords, no empty promises, just results.

Authority Building

Build your authority and positioning in your sector by sharing key insights and thought leadership topics based on problem that you are solving. PR isn’t just about announcements or getting your brand out there. It’s a sustained strategy that incorporates SEO and back links to bring traffic whilst establishing trust and awareness.

PR Announcements

Leverage our editorial connections to the world’s top 50+ Crypto and TradeFi media outlets to effectively broadcast your announcements including fundraising announcements, partnerships, new integrations, new hires and more. We also built our internal wire press release syndication enabling our client to get even more coverage.

Executive Roundtable

Foster crucial connections by engaging with top-tier executives in well-curated discussions that bring value to your project.

Reputation Management

Protect and manage your brand’s online presence with a partner that helps you steer clear of potential issues and maintain a positive image.

We have worked with over 200+
companies including

PR Genius Process

Initial Meeting

Initial contact with the growth team to setup the meet and greet with the team.

Intake From Generation

Fill out the Onboarding form and provide it to the PR Genius team in designated comms channel

Strategy Meeting

Review meeting for the intake form and talk about objectives to build the strategy around.

Strategy Timeline

Timeline and Strategy will be constructed and presented for review/approval.

Copywriting + Pitching

The team wil construct the pitches and start to put feelers out to the media. Any opportunities that come through may or may not require copywriting for the clients review. This is occasionally curated by our team and editors.

Client Approval

Once the Final draft is constructed, we will present it back to the client for final approval. If any revisions are needed it will be revised until sign on. If a reporter is writing the piece, we may have limited visibility or say on edits being made. Once a piece is passed on to a media editor, we have ittle power then on.

Features + Reformats

Once a feature is published we alert the client and our design team reformats the feature for optimal social sharing. We also provide tips and best practices for sharing.

Media Outlets

We Get You Featured In

and many more...

Live News