PR that gets you funding and noticed

Our PR funding services boost your growth by building relationships with key investors and boosts your growth achieving key third-party endorsements in relevant outlets.

PR Funding Strategies

Our PR funding strategies secure coverage in outlets crucial to key stakeholders, fostering trust among your target audiences

How we help you boost your funding news

From seed all the way to unicorn announcements, we’ve done it all. We provide custom-made PR strategies to meet you at the stage of your growth you’re at.

Our tailor-made, funding announcement PR service is designed to meet you at the stage of growth you’re at. Rather than an spray-and-pray approach (that doesn’t work), we create solid narratives that get you into the headlines.

"The PR Genius team got our $10m funding need into Coindesk, CoinTelegraph, Decrypt, The Defiant and 10+ news outlets in such short notice. They literally did it within a week. I’m really happy with their work"

Ryan Selkis

Founder StripChain

"The PR Genius got us on the front page of Coindesk Indonesia. This got us great coverage in south east Asia especially in key areas that we wanted to enter"

Tom Ngo

CEO Metis

PR-driven fundraising relies on crafting compelling narratives that resonate with stakeholders, building trust and connections. Effective storytelling about mission, impact, and values enhances visibility, credibility, and is instrumental in achieving financial goals.

We got them 10+ pieces including Coindesk and Cointelegraph

Our customized funding announcement PR service is tailored to align with your current growth stage. Unlike a generic, scattergun approach (which often falls short), we craft compelling narratives that propel you into the spotlight.

"The team got our $20m fundraise successfully into Coindesk and 30+ different outlets including organizing exclusive interviews with the journalists. I would recommend them anyday."

Andrew Antar

Founder Tune.FM

We walk the talk

Read our PR Funding success stories

Seed round

For startups embarking on the critical Seed round, our PR agency offers targeted support to enhance visibility and attract early-stage investors. 

Through strategic communication, we create compelling narratives that highlight a startup’s potential and innovation. Leveraging precise media placements, thought leadership, and impactful press releases, we ensure startups gain attention from key stakeholders and seed investors. 

Our tailored approach aims to establish credibility, laying a strong foundation for successful Seed funding.

Series A

Our PR agency specializes in propelling startups to the forefront during their Series A funding phase. Through strategic communication, we craft compelling narratives that highlight a startup’s unique value and accomplishments. 

Utilizing targeted media placements, thought leadership, and impactful press releases, we ensure startups gain visibility among key stakeholders and potential investors. Our focused approach aims to maximize positive exposure, building credibility and positioning startups for successful Series A investment rounds. 

By combining traditional and digital PR tactics, we create a comprehensive strategy that increases visibility and attracts investor interest during this critical funding stage.

Series B

During the pivotal Series B funding phase, our PR agency excels at elevating startups to prominence. We specialize in creating compelling narratives that accentuate a startup’s growth trajectory and achievements.

Through targeted media placements, thought leadership initiatives, and impactful press releases, we ensure that startups garner attention from crucial stakeholders and potential investors. Our strategic approach focuses on building credibility and solidifying a startup’s position for successful Series B investment rounds.

Series C

Navigating the complex Series C funding stage requires a tailored PR strategy, and our agency is adept at delivering impactful results.

We specialize in crafting narratives that emphasize a startup’s sustained success and market leadership. Using a combination of strategic media placements, thought leadership content, and powerful press releases, we secure visibility among key stakeholders and potential investors. Our goal is to strengthen credibility and position startups for successful Series C investment rounds.

How can PR help your funding efforts?

Securing startup funding is challenging amid fierce competition. Convincing investors is time-consuming and stressful, but success brings crucial capital for business growth.

Brand Differentiation

The saturation of communication in the digital age affects investors, who are constantly bombarded with innovative startups. Public relations can be of great service in distinguishing you from your competitors and helping to convince investors to invest in your company.

Media Advantage

PR helps you handle media attention during a funding announcement press release. Establishing yourself in the media builds trust among your target audience and potential investors. This is because earned media is viewed as the most authentic form of marketing.

Building Credibility

Obtaining funding provides great PR opportunities to present your business as credible and trustworthy. Using PR to increase your brand visibility and establish yourself as a leader in your industry is a sure way to increase interest in your brand and secure success at various investment rounds, as well as help you to expand the reach of your funding press release.

Kim Than

Founder & CEO of The PR Genius

Clear funding communication for enhanced impact

"At PR Genius, we excel in delivering precise communication for startup funding announcements. We avoid common pitfalls and strategically time press releases and social media updates. This ensures startups convey their funding news clearly, engage stakeholders effectively, and strengthen their competitive image."

What our customers have to say

Still have questions?

Startup funding is the acquisition of finances from investors to start a business or take it to the next level. Many use their personal savings or obtain credit for this, but a significant amount of startup funding is from venture capital. These venture capitalists provide startups with finance as they believe in its potential. It is a bit like what angel investors do. Only the latter use their own funds. Venture capital (VC) mainly comes from firms. Credit can be obtained from banks, but increasingly, people crowdfund. Crowdfunding collectively raises money for a perceived good idea.

Series A funding is the exciting stage in which a business starts its venture capital financing journey. It is quite similar to seed round funding, except that it is equity-based and involves selling the company’s shares for financing. A press release about this funding stage would focus on trying to reach investors to help keep the company growing.

The investment funding round your company is on will determine your approach to pitching to the media. You announce an investment round for startups by getting publications to share your funding achievements. Top-tier publications are only interested in large investments. However, you don’t just send journalists the numbers. You need a good story to tell to maximize engagement with the news. There are many logistics to consider with a funding announcement, such as the timing, the images used, reaching out to clients, and distributing on your website and social media. These are strategies PRGenius can assist you with.

PR bridges the trust gap between your brand, investors, and customers. Funding announcements show that you have acquired not just funds but also the credibility your brand needs. Sharing the news will demonstrate your progress and secure further investment. Stating how the funds are to be used shows your ambition and direction and will impress other investors. We provide various services to help you establish a solid reputation via earned media and a consistent brand message in your content. Most importantly, we also offer media training to help you and your people be more confident when pitching to investors and journalists.

While getting featured in a high-tier publication is a great achievement and the holy grail for many firms, PR is more than just sending out press releases and getting featured. It aims to consistently share your message with those who want (or need) to hear it. It is about making your news matter. You may have a fantastic product, but that isn’t enough. You need people to know about it. Public relations helps get the message out there and sow the seeds of trust. It is a powerful and underrated tool. Great PR can help you obtain more investment, more customers, and raise your credibility even higher.

Various factors, such as the specifics of the chosen fundraising option, the funding process’s complexity, and the parties’ responsiveness, all influence how long it can take to secure funds. Depending on the funding provider or investor, they may spend time conducting due diligence checks and evaluating your business and its condition. They will evaluate the financial health of your business. In addition to market conditions, regulatory requirements (which can change per territory) and other factors can play a role.

Startups require seed funding to secure the capital they require to kickstart their businesses. Attracting investors at this stage is essential. Getting traction, such as demonstrating growth in users, generating revenue, or securing partnerships, is essential to demonstrating the viability of a startup. We can help show investors it will succeed. Networking with potential investors through industry events and conferences and sending out carefully timed media pitching is important. We can assist you with making connections, building relationships, and showcasing your products and services.

We’re a different kind of agency, not sitting around waiting for news but proactively seeking it. We commit ourselves to openness and transparency in everything we do, from progress and reporting, to challenges. We focus on tech and startup PR. Because of this, we’re extra agile and adaptable to change. We believe in the integrated marketing approach, meaning we seek to deliver a unified message across all your channels to help get you the funding you need to thrive. Be sure to check out our case studies pages for a list of firms just like yours that we’ve helped.

Do you want to boost your growth with PR?

We’ve helped +100 clients achieve their business goals with the power of Strategic PR across key markets. All our PR strategies are custom-made to fit your needs and meet you at the stage of growth you’re at. Tell us about yourself and how we can help you.