Path To Forbes

Getting featured on Forbes isn’t an easy task and can take hours and hours of hard work – we get that. It’s okay if you don’t have the time to spend hours on stalking Forbes writers online or sending out dozens of personalized pitches. Let us help instead.

Below is a small selection of digital products and services that give you precious shortcuts to your Forbes feature. Feel free to browse through them and let us know if you have any questions.

What is

This platform has only one goal – to get you (or your company) featured on the world’s biggest business publication: Forbes. A simple feature on Forbes can significantly increase brand awareness, boost sales, facilitate priceless connections and elevate you to expert status. We show you how it’s done.

How do you know all this?

We are a small team of PR pros that has been running content marketing & PR agencies for several years. To date, we have facilitated hundreds of Forbes placements covering a variety of niches, including technology, business & finance, lifestyle, cannabis, and blockchain.

Great. But who are you?

Kim Than

CEO and Founder

Jamie Kingsley

COO and Co-Founder

So how can you help me?

To get started, we recommend checking out our detailed guides. You will learn all the necesssary steps and shortcuts to get featured on Forbes. If that’s not enough, feel free to sign up for our newsletter, where we share secret tips and opportunities with our readers. 

If your time is limited, you might want to consider some of our digital products, which can significantly speed up the process, or even our Direct Placement Service, where you can lean back while we do the work for you. 

Publicity Achieved For Our Clients

All the biggest publications, guaranteed. We write, edit and publish to the news sites that will make the biggest impact to your business, instantly improving trust and credibility.